Los Banos Mayor Tom Faria addresses the crowd at the Memorial Day ceremony May 30 at the Calvary Cemetery in Los Banos.
Los Banos VFW Post 2487 Commander, Michael Hughes presents the American Flag during the Memorial Day ceremony May 30 at the Los Banos Calvary Cemetery. Greg Clower with the Los Banos American Legion Post 166 presents California poppies for lost veterans as he salutes the veterans memorial at Calvary Cemetery during the Memorial Day ceremony May 30. Gene Lieb/The ExpressChristine and Gene Brandi join with Los Banos Mayor Tom Faria, left, as they sing the National Anthem during the opening ceremonies of the Memorial Day ceremony. Los Banos Mayor Tom Faria addresses the crowd at the Memorial Day ceremony May 30 at the Calvary Cemetery in Los Banos. Members of the Los Banos Elks Lodge 2510 attended the Memorial Day ceremony on May 30 at the Calvary Cemetery in Los Banos.