The regular once-a-month meeting of the Dos Palos/Oro Loma School District was scheduled for June 15th.  It contained two important public hearing agenda items: The Local Control, Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year.  But unfortunately, only two board members showed up, well short of the four needed for a quorum.

Now, not only will the board have to play catch-up and deal with these critical agenda items, but they will also have to move fast in hiring several administrators.

It was announced recently that Superintendent Megan Grijalva has tendered her resignation, effective July 31st. She will be leaving the area along with her husband Alec, who is the principal at Dos Palos Elementary School. Alec Grijalva will be taking a position in a Northern California school district.  Also, a principal must be hired at Bryant Middle School as that site’s principal, Marla Sansom, will become the principal at Dos Palos High School, replacing Doreen Castillo, who left the district.

And finally, a replacement needs to be hired for Marks Elementary School principal Kendyl Darnell, who will move into the district office as the Coordinator of Special Programs.

For those keeping score, that’s one superintendent and three principals that need to be hired for the new school year, which is scheduled to start in a little over a month.

In a written comment to The Express, Grijalva stated that the decision to leave Dos Palos was “very difficult.”

“It is with a heavy heart and many emotions that I resign from my position as superintendent of the Dos Palos School District,” she stated.  “My husband and I have made the very difficult decision to relocate out of the area.”

She added that “it has been an honor and privilege to serve this community and work alongside such dedicated professionals and wonderful community members over the past 11 years. As a Bronco, I am proud of the contributions we have made as a team, and I am confident that the work we have done for our students will continue. I want to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for entrusting me in this role.  Being a part of this team has been a wonderful experience, and I will forever cherish the memories forever.”

Grijalva started out as a PE teacher at Dos Palos High before becoming the vice principal.  She then moved into the district office.

A special meeting of the board was scheduled for Monday, June 26th.

David Borboa