A Spring Choral Concert was held Tuesday, March 7 at the Pacheco High Theatre featuring choirs from Creekside Junior High led by Director John Spankowski, Los Banos Junior High led by director Deaven Rodney and Pacheco High School led by Director Sarah Kline. Each school performed individually, culminating with a combined performance of all three choirs singing Sisi ni mona (We are one).Students from various schools’ music departments will come together for performances in April.Choirs from Pacheco High, LBJH and Creekside will perform April 18 at 7 p.m. at Pacheco High Theatre. Winter Guard and Percussion from Los Banos High, Pacheco High, Creekside Junior High and LBJH will perform April 19 at 7 p.m. at the Los Banos High gym. Bands from Pacheco High, LBJH, Grasslands, Falasco, Miano, Volta and Westside Elementary Schools will perform April 20 at 7 p.m. in the Pacheco High gym. The bands from Los Banos High, Creekside Junior High, Charleston, Henry Miller, Los Banos and Mercey Springs Elementary Schools will perform April 21 at 7 p.m. in the Los Banos High gym.