Pacheco High School hosted the Class of 2022 Scholarship Awards Night on Tuesday, May 24, where 42 scholarship awards were given out to 36 graduating seniors. All 36 seniors received the honor of winning at least one local scholarship award.
The two top earners on the night were Dereck Rubio with a total of $5,522.00 and Abigail Villa with a total of $5,630.00. As a whole, collectively over $51,600.00 was awarded to our seniors.
On Thursday, May 26, Los Banos High School proudly recognized 50 students at their senior scholarship awards ceremony. Students earned scholarships for a wide array of different areas. These include but are not limited to outstanding academic achievement, sports performance, college major, school clubs and extracurricular activities such as church involvement, community service, etc.
Scholarship recipients were invited to attend the ceremony with their families. Numerous scholarship donors also attended to present their awards to the well deserving students.
A total of 70 scholarships were given totaling $83,530.
Pacheco High and Los Banos High would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to the community. Without the community’s support, these events would not be possible. The amount of money that was able to be awarded to the senior students is a true testament to the generosity of the community.
If you are interested in starting a scholarship at Los Banos High School, please reach out to the scholarship adviser, Meghan Souza, at MDSouza@losbanosusd.k12.ca.us If you are interested in starting a scholarship at Pacheco High School, please reach out to the scholarship adviser, Sue Shryock, at sshryock@losbanosusd.k12.ca.us MDSouza@losbanosusd.k12.ca.us