Contributing Writer
The year was 1964 and the receipt of a telegram was generally known to create excitement. The telegram to then Principal Neil Nordstrom invited the Dos Palos Joint Union High School Band to Washington D.C. to take part in President Lyndon Johnson’s Inauguration Parade Jan. 20, 1965, representing the state of California.
What transpired after that telegram was a community, neighboring towns and the entire valley coming together to make that trip happen.
A sum of $45,000 was needed to transport, house and feed the 113 students comprising the band for the week. In only two months, a total of over $77,000 was raised for the trip. Band Booster Co-Chairmen Robert Stocking and Gilbert Gardner said contributions ranged from $1 to $2,500 and came from all over the Valley.
Those two months were filled with suspense and performance seldom demanded of high school students. They met each challenge whether newspaper, radio or television interview, concert, ticket selling, Pepsi drive or endurance marching practice with an unbelievable understanding of the job at hand.
There was much work to be done. Band Director Gerald Parodi received special instructions for the parade regarding cadence and formation.
For example, bands in the parade were allowed but 22 yards in depth compared with the 35 yards the band normally used. There were to be 45 inches between rows instead of the 60 inches and members must cover 300 feet per minute, rather than the 260 they normally used. All this was done to shorten the parade time.
The band arrived in Washington D.C. on Monday, Jan. 18. It was reported in the Dos Palos Star that “Even though 80% of the students had never been on a plane, none were airsick, although they were experiencing the thrill of being chosen the official state band of the State of California.”
The 12 degree weather that greeted our band created problems of its own. Feet were wrapped in Saran Wrap, and valves froze on some of the musical instruments.
The nine girls who led the band carrying the letters which spelled out Dos Palos and the six majorettes wore as many thermal garments as their uniforms would allow.
The parade on Wednesday was an amazing experience for the 113 fast stepping musicians who carried California’s banner in the parade.
During the week they visited the White House, the Capitol Building, the Pan American building, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, and the Supreme Court, where they talked with then Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren of California.
They toured the Senate Chamber and had breakfast with Congressman Bernie Sisk of California. They also visited Mt. Vernon, the Smithsonian, the National Mint, the National Cathedral, the National Gallery of Art and Arlington National Cemetery where they saw the changing of the guard and visited President Kennedy’s grave.
They went to Annapolis, Maryland, visited the state capital, then they toured the Naval Academy and Museum, where they saw the crypt of John Paul Jones and visited with Firebaugh youth Buddy Walker.
On their final night, they took an illuminated tour of Washington D.C. on their way to Dulles Airport for the flight home. The pace was a “dead run” all week.
As summed up by Mary Francis Crowe of the Dos Palos Star, “Everyone agreed there was more than instrumental music made by a high school marching band which will now serve as the official state band for California during the next four years. For such a journey also adds the music of knowledge, the music of experience and the music of maturity.”
It truly was the trip of a lifetime.