Contributing Writer
The women’s club of Dos Palos met for their Christmas party on Dec. 12, which has been taking place at Gouler Manor for over 40 years.
It started when Alva Pankratz hosted for many years, and has continued for the last 10 with myself hosting.
Our evening was full of fun, friendship and remembering our members from the past that were great models for us to imitate.
This year, we want to specially remember a classy lady, Billie Jordan, that left us recently. She was a great active member and did many fundraisers with us. She will be greatly missed.
We ate, exchanged gifts and ended our evening collecting unwrapped toys for needy children of our community. This one tradition we have continued as long as I have been a member, for at least 33 years.
Dos Palos Women’s Club wants to wish all our community a peaceful and healthy Christmas. Thank you so much for all of your support in all of our fundraisers/