Rev. Stephen Hammond, Bethel Community Church

“Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture,” Psalm 100:3.

God is a master at getting our attention. He knows us because He created us and made us into His image. His desire is for us to know Him personally, to go deeper than simply knowing about Him or only what other people say about Him.

Our Heavenly Father has gone to great lengths to provide a way for all people to know Him in this personal way. That Way is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. There is a reference to this relationship found in the third verse of the 100th Psalm.

This verse tells us to know that the Lord is God. The word “know” in the Hebrew means to have personal knowledge, to learn for oneself.  What should we know? That the Lord (Yawheh) is God (Elohim).

The reason there are two different words used here is to describe the Godhead. The word “Elohim” in Hebrew is the plural form for the word God. This describes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as the Godhead. 

We are told to know this and to believe this and to place our faith in this foundational principle. So, I ask, “Do you know?”

It is so important for us to know this because it was God who made us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Sin has marred that image, but the love and grace of God can restore the beauty of God’s creation in our lives. And if it was God who made us, then we belong to Him.

My life is not my own, I live to serve my Heavenly Father and to obey His Word. We are His people, a part of His family where He loves us and takes care of us.

We are also described as the sheep of His pasture. The Good Shepherd protects, provides, leads, guides and even lays down His life for His sheep, all because He loves us so much.

So, I ask one more time, “Do you know that the Lord is God?”

You are welcome to join us at Bethel Community Church on Sunday mornings beginning at 10:30 a.m. as we connect with God, love like God, and serve everyone.

The Westside Express