At its March 22 meeting, Los Banos Planning Commission approved a variation in signage standards for DD’s Discounts, located at 1333 E Pacheco Boulevard within the Canal Farm Shopping Center, allowing for a larger signage area on the front of the store.

The commission approved a categorical exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and approved a conditional use permit to allow a variation of sign standards in the Highway Commercial Zoning District for DD’s Discounts, located in an existing facility next to Grocery Outlet.

In his presentation, City of Los Banos Associate Planner Rudy Luquin explained that the building frontage of DD’s Discounts allowed for 143 square feet of signage, but the applicant requested a variation in sign standards to allow for a larger sized main wall sign.

Due to the recessed location of the building, the applicant expressed the need for a larger signage area to create more visibility from Mercy Springs Road and Pacheco Boulevard.

With the approval of the commission, the total sign area for the new store will total 273.4 square feet. Luquin noted that the illuminated main sign will be pink and blue.

“DD’s Discounts,” city documents specified, “is proposing to have an under-canopy sign totaling 4 square feet and a wall plaque at the entrance totaling 7.3 square feet, including the 273.4 square foot wall sign.”

Commissioners Rob Robinson and Catherine Uhley were both concerned if the sign was consistent with the neighboring sign on the façade of Grocery Outlet. Luquin clarified that each sign has its own particular corporate branding, but the signs will be compatible in size.

At the end of the meeting, Economic and Community Development Director Stacy Elms reported that the commissioners will be attending the Planning Commissioners Academy and be provided with informational material from the League of California Cities.

“We should come out with some good educational pieces.” Elms said. “We will be able to learn about trends and network with other planning commissioners and planning departments and staff.”

Commissioner Elias Reyes said that he will not be able to attend the event but looks forward to the information that the rest of the commission will provide.

During his report, Commissioner Chair John Cates thanked city staff for their dedication and expressed that he awaits the Planning Commissioners Academy with excitement

Elms added that she is working on a zoning map update to comply with the General Plan update, which will be presented to the Planning Commission at a later date.

Malina Duran

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