A controversy is brewing at the Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District and its superintendent, Roy Mendiola.

According to reports, sexual harassment allegations have been leveled at Mendiola. And while school board members have been tight-lipped about discussing the issue, it has not stopped community members from speaking up and asking for answers and transparency.

At last month’s regular school board meeting, a closed session meeting took place that lasted around two-and-a-half hours. When open session started at 6 p.m., the high school library was packed with attendees and superintendent Mendiola sitting in his chair. After the board took up the business of the agenda, the public comments session started, with four speakers stepping to the podium.

“I am going to address the ‘elephant in the room,’” said Freddy Valdez, who is a Firebaugh city council member. “I am disheartened. Tonight, it was put on public record that there are two sustained claims of sexual harassment on our superintendent. The rumors have become true. That’s disheartening to me. “We look up to our leaders on what to do and how to act. I implore the board to bring forward any facts that can be made public, to put it on the next board’s agenda so that we can talk about it.” Another speaker, retired school district employee Carol Coelho said that there are two brief facts that the public needs to know.

“Sexual harassment claims were filed against the superintendent,” she stated. “Those claims were sustained, and our board chose to bring him back. I believe Firebaugh deserves better.” Gene Lieb Jr., who has taught at Firebaugh High for 11 years, commented that this ongoing issue is taking away from the district’s education mission.

“Lately, a lack of transparency and robust conversations about why we do what we do and how we make it better has gone by the wayside,” he stated. “I know that this district, its employees and most importantly, the students deserve the best we have to offer. I confidently stand up here saying I know we are not at the same place I started, and we shouldn’t be. We should always be looking for ways to grow, but lately we have slid backwards, and progress and dynamic education doesn’t seem to be the focus. What is our ‘why?’

Why come to work every day? Why ensure students are learning? And finally, why and how do we work together as a team to accomplish those (goals).”

Like Coelho and Valdez, Lieb called on the board for better transparency. “Just as the sign as you enter Firebaugh states, ‘The Jewel of the San Joaquin’, we need to bring back the sparkle and shine. We need to bring back the passion, and we cannot wait any longer. The time to act is now and we have to come together as a group to focus and ensure the students are at the forefront of decision-making,” Lieb said. “Because all educational partners will pay the price for poor communication and lack of transparency.”

The next school board meeting is scheduled to take place on July 11th.

David Borboa