By Dr. Nathan Ogan, Pastor
Cavalry Baptist Church
Back in the late 1950s, American psychologist Stanton Samenow, along with psychiatrist, Samuel Yochelson began a 17-year study involving thousands of hours of clinical testing and observation. Using some 250 prison inmates, they were hoping to document useful statistics about crime and criminal behavior for use in counseling and social programs.
Both Samenow and Yochelson shared the conventional wisdom that crime was caused by environmental factors, like poverty, drugs and mental disease, but they set out to prove their point scientifically. Surprisingly, as they would report in their 1976 book “The Criminal Personality,” they found that the real problem was people—not poverty or drugs—but people.
People “making wrong moral choices.” In other words, statistically, criminals don’t necessarily commit crimes because of drugs or poverty or disease, but because they make immoral decisions.
As the two professors put it, the first step in resolving society’s crime problem was the “conversion of wrong-doers to more responsible lifestyles.” At Calvary we believe that our Savior’s Great Commission to tell His Gospel to all nations is an important element in changing the world one soul at a time.
Join us for Worship at 10:30 a.m. this Sunday. Pastor Ogan is sharing a series of sermons from Paul’s letter to the Romans, wherein the apostle explains the implications of Jesus’ teachings.
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Feel free to call (209) 826-3682, text (209) 675-2325 or email us this week.