I’m writing this column for the Westside Express to reach out to older adults who have questions about their health. I am board certified in Internal Medicine and my subspecialty is Geriatrics, for patients 65 years of age and older.
I am currently working at Apex Medical Group as a Primary Care and Geriatric Medicine provider. I also work at New Bethany Residential Care, where I take care of the patients with multiple comorbidities including Dementia, Delirium, Behavioral Disorders and Frailty. Additionally, I also do Minimally Invasive Joint Injections to help with common joint pain.
I did my residency training in Fort Worth, Texas, and my fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at the University of Texas at Houston, Texas. I have been working in Los Banos since July 2021, and I have absolutely loved it here.
The main reason I wanted to start writing a column is that many older adults, despite the Medicare coverage of TeleHealth visits, are unable to come into the clinic due to transportations issues and are not able to use computers for video calls. Some of them are bed bound, with family members taking care of them. I felt this was a good way to do some community outreach work to help older adults with their care.
I would like to take this platform to raise awareness about Geriatric Medicine and about the care needed for older adults.
In future issues of the Westside Express, I hope to answer questions readers may have, as well as talking about health issues important to older adults.
Anyone who would like to ask me a medical question relating to the health of older adults can email me at dr.arvindselvan@gmail.com. I hope to provide a helpful answer in a future issue of this newspaper.
Disclaimer : The information shared in this column is based on current practice guidelines but is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.