At the March 10 meeting of the Los Banos Parks and Recreation Commission, after ongoing commissioners welcomed Sybil Halloran and Luis Castro and all five commissioners elected Jeri Blevins as 2025 chair and Brad Gargano as vice chair, Parks and Rec Director Joe Heim gave a detailed report on projects and activities past, present and future.
Among the key projects is the planned Colorado Ballpark renovation, which is projected to be among the most comprehensive and costly facilities projects in the city’s history.
The commissioners heard the similar information that Heim presented in two community forums on March 8 and 11. The project is currently estimated to cost up to $15 million and has been kickstarted by a $1 million grant from the state that Assembly Member Esmeralda Soria helped Los Banos receive.
As Heim told commissioners on March 10 and community residents on March 8 and 11, the Colorado Park plan includes a complete overall, with three renovated ball fields and an improved skate park.
The plan originally included a splash pad, but during the forums many residents were concerned that, although a splash pad is needed in the city, another location would be better. One resident said the space originally allocated to the pad could be used to expand the footprint of the skate park.
Other forum participants suggested the city keep in mind the safety and security of people living in homes directly across the street.
As Heim said, the project is still in a very preliminary stage. He added that he will continue to ask for feedback from the public, the commissioners and the city council as the project plan develops. Meanwhile, one of his top priorities is to pursue other grants to help fund the project, as well as using dollars from the city’s park development fund.
Two other projects Heim said he is pursuing are the final location of a splash pad and the development of a “pump track” on the east side of town. The track would be used by cyclists who generate movement by “pumping,” that is, using body movement rather than pedaling.
During his report Heim also pointed to projects that have recently started or are ready to start, including the improvements at the Ag Sports Complex, such as the construction of nine pickleball courts and the complete renovation of the two ball fields, all of which he hopes will be completed by early summer.
Another project ready to go is the development of the Shaunessy Village Park, as soon as the city takes ownership of the land, which is currently in the possession of the developer.
Among the projects almost completed is Sunrise Ranch Park, scheduled to open later this spring. That park includes several special amenities, such as a hill slide. Heim also pointed proudly to recent renovations to the Officer Noah Jones Ballpark on Seventh Street.
Heim reported to the commission on many other Parks and Recreation accomplishments in the past two years, including improvements at the Community Center and playground replacements in more than 10 city parks. Since 2018, he said, 21 of the city’s 37 playgrounds have been replaced.
Trees were another accomplishment Heim noted. In the past few years more than 5,000 of the city’s approximately 10,000 trees have been trimmed, and 125 new trees have been planted.
Heims also reported on the department’s activities and events, including a successful Arbor Day March 7, Volunteer Day at Oliveira Park March 15, the ribbon cutting of the Community Center solar project March 28 and the annual Easter Egg Hunt April 12.
Near the end of the meeting during their reports, all five commission members praised Heim and his staff for their ability to plan and oversee so many worthwhile projects that benefit the community.