Growing up in Los Banos, it was difficult for me to get past the small-town mindset thinking that there is so much better elsewhere. I didn’t see much opportunity for me to connect with other people or even see that there was really a community to connect with.

But reporting for this newspaper and actively engaging with other members of our city made me realize how much people truly care about it and its people, and that has been the best thing I’ve gotten from this job.

I realized that if others have seen the massive potential and existing beauty of our community in Los Banos, then there is certainly something for me to appreciate about it, as well.

From its rich history to the valuable surrounding wetlands to the very people who live here, there is something about Los Banos for everyone to appreciate and hold dear to their hearts.

I hope Los Banos residents build an honest curiosity to ask active community members why they care about Los Banos. Hopefully, they will have an open heart to form their own answer to that question and contribute to this flourishing community, just as I did with my journey as a writer.

With rapid change occurring throughout the expanding city, I also urge readers to be open to change and maybe spark some of it for the betterment of the community. If so, you might even eventually be featured in this newspaper.

Moving forward, I will be transferring to UC Berkeley from Merced College. As an environmental sciences and biology major, I hope to also spur change to better our community through those passions.

While embracing the new adventure and a newly packed schedule, I need to end this wonderful journey as a newspaper reporter.

With immense gratitude, I say thank you to The Westside Express and goodbye, readers!

Rhianna Irao