By Father Anthony Iromenu, Sacred Heart Church
Contributing Writer

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. It is the holiest of weeks as it is the week of our redemption. Through this week’s liturgical ceremonies, we remember in a special way how Jesus Christ suffered and died for our sins.

We remember the beautiful hope that on the cross, Jesus died for you and me. He died so we’d never have to be afraid of death.

As we enter these most sacred days of the year, we need to ponder this beautiful truth. The Son of God loved me and he gave himself for me. He loves you and he gave himself for you.

This is the great message of Holy Week! God’s love is stronger than death. Jesus Christ paid a price for us that we could never pay.

In the passion story, we read about the last words that Jesus said on the cross before he bowed his head and gave up the spirit “It is finished,” John 19:30.

It is three words in English but in the original Greek form it is just one word, “tetelestai.” What does “tetelestai,” or “it is finished,” mean?

Scholars got more insight into the meaning of this expression some few years ago after archaeologists did some excavation in the Holy Land. They found a tax collector’s office that was almost intact, with all the tax records. There were two stacks of tax records and one of them had the word, “tetelestai,” on the top. In other words, “paid in full.” These people don’t owe anything anymore.

So, according to David, when Jesus said, “It is finished,” what is finished? It is the debt we owe God by our sins. It has been paid in full. Our sins as a debt that we owe God, a debt that must somehow be repaid and Jesus by his death on the cross paid it in full.

During this Holy Week, let us reflect on our personal relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ and our personal commitment to following his teaching and example. We follow Jesus to humble ourselves. He was obedient to death for us, so let us be obedient to him. He endured this sorrow and pain for us so that we can find happiness and that we can know peace.

The Westside Express