Two young men with Valley ties are the newest members of the Dos Palos Police Department. Officers Adam Enas and TJ Leonard were recently introduced to the community by Chief Cliff Battles.
Officer Enas, 23, was born in Sacramento and spent the first 16 years of his life there before the family moved south to Ripon in San Joaquin County.
He attended Big Valley Christian High School in Modesto where he played basketball for three years. After graduating in 2018, he continued his education in Criminal Justice at Modesto Junior College.
He joined the Dos Palos PD on June 18 as a full-time officer.
“I have always wanted to be in law enforcement for as long as I can remember,” Enas explained.
He added that his short time in Dos Palos has been exciting.
“Every day, I am excited to go to work because I have the tremendous honor and privilege of being able to serve the citizens of Dos Palos,” he said. “This is a small community that is extremely family-oriented and supports its police department.”
Besides his mother and father, Enas has three brothers and one sister. His hobbies include working out, eating out, being outdoors, which includes traveling and hiking, and playing basketball.
When school starts this week in Dos Palos, Thomas “TJ” Leonard will be serving as a School Resource Officer.
Born and raised in Salinas, he graduated from Clovis West High School in 1990. As a Golden Eagle, Leonard played volleyball and was also involved in Drama, to the point he received a scholarship in Drama.
He attended the Fresno Regional Training Center for Police Officers and graduated in 2019. All the while, he has been involved in operating a beef business for two decades. He started with the DPPD last March.
“Serving the community and citizens is the reason for being in law enforcement,” said Leonard. “I want to give a voice to those who need one. The community of Dos Palos has been a pleasure to serve.”
His hobbies include golf, cooking, “and being the best parent I can be to my three children. They are the reason I work hard to provide a safer place to grow up in.”
Leonard added that being a police officer is like being in a “brotherhood.”
“Being in law enforcement is a decision I take with the understanding that some days are harder than others,” he explained. “We are a brotherhood of men and women who choose to keep the communities, families, and children safe on a daily basis, and I love it.”
Chief Battles said that the department is now up to five patrol officers, one school resource officer, one community service officer, two sergeants and two reserve officers.
Dos Palos Police Department hires 2 new officers for force

Dos Palos Police Sgt. Gerardo Chavez (center) with new officers TJ Leonard (left) and Adam Enas.