The Merced Symphony Orchestra and violinist Dawn Harms performed Fri., March 10 for more than 800 fourth grade students from the Los Banos Unified School District in the Pacheco High School Theatre. Due to the number of fourth grade students in the district, the symphony divided performances into two morning sessions. The concert is part of the Children’s Concert series, presented by the Merced Symphony Association. The symphony recently performed to more than 2,500 students from Atwater, El Nido, Weaver, McSwain, Merced City, Merced River, Plainsburg, Planada and Winton School Districts at the historic Merced Theatre. The Children’s Concerts continue to introduce young Merced County students to the world of classical music. TOP PHOTO:
Dawn Harms of San Francisco adds humor to her performance as she dresses as a bird to explain how certain notes on a violin depict birds chirping. MIDDLE PHOTO: Dawn Harms invites one of two students to the stage to assist her with a song. BOTTOM PHOTO: Dawn Harms quizzes students as to what a violin bow is made from and then releases the tension on the bow to show them the horse hair.