On Oct. 19 Pacheco High School hosted its ninth annual “Open House and Multicultural Night” from 5:45-7:45 p.m.
An administration member, Cruz Berumen, fostered the idea to host such an event. As a former Spanish teacher, many students described that she had a thought to expand Pacheco High School’s outreach to promote diversity and bring together the community. This was beautifully exhibited on Oct. 19.
Students from Spanish IV were given an assignment to pick a country then make a poster board and bring a dish renowned in that area. The school featured club sales past the ticket booth to fundraise, food vendors, cultural tables, clubs, and informational tables that surrounded a stage where many students were able to sign up to perform.
Walking into the school I was amazed at the turnout of people at the event. There were at least 30 clubs that had participated in the event. As I passed the crowds of people admiring and having fun at the event, I was overwhelmed with the vibrant colors, cultures, and liveliness of the event.
There were many activities for people to do, ranging from face painting to performance watching and even the Future Farmers of America club’s petting zoo. Each corner I turned, there were people in cultural attire, foods from all over the world and excitement that would only grow throughout the night.
Students representing countries such as France had passed out croissants, Philippines had offered spring rolls, Honduras sampled empanadas and India had given out samosas. After various shows of students singing and playing instruments, a particular student representing Polynesia had worn the most eloquent white dress and feather headdress that left the audience stunned with her performance. Her performance, along with the performances from Spanish and Native American groups, would be ones to remember for a lifetime.
One student at Pacheco High School, Alessandro Hurst, who attended the event had affirmed that, “It was a great experience being exposed to many different cultures, which made me grow and appreciate a different point of view of how different cultures celebrated life.”
Everyone left the event in awe of the acceptance and embrace for culture that the Pacheco High School community fabricated and full of foods from all over the globe.