A group of volunteers named the Operation Packing Company gathered at the Los Banos Elks Lodge on Aug. 21, to host a packing party of gift “boxes of love” to be sent to members of the U.S. military. Packing party chairman Rhonda Lowe and her fine group of volunteers packaged gifts ranging from 25 to 100 boxes at various packing stations all around the Los Banos Elks lodge.
More than ten tables were set up at the Elks Lodge on which were items ranging from books, cookies, playing cards, candy, dental hygiene products, stationary, taco bell sauce, and many other gifts that the serviceman may not ever receive.
Lowe stated that “Operation Packing Company” sends out these gift boxes every month to bases where our servicemen are deployed. In addition to the many adult volunteers who help with this outstanding project, many young students from the Los Banos school district, as well the local boys and girls scout troops assist in the packing and the children also write letters and send photos to our military personnel.
According to local president, Dusty Dalhgren, the “Operation Packing Company” originated in Modesto and the Los Banos chapter began operation in 2018. This organization is dedicated to the collection, packing and sending of care packages with supplies to troops overseas, and was established by the billboard charting musicians, The Moonshine Bandits.
The OPC thanks all the generous people who help to make this project possible, the sponsors, donors, volunteers and especially the Los Banos Elks for hosting the packing party at their lodge.