Author: A. Rentner

What’s in a name?

Last year was big for the American Ornithological Society – you know, the people responsible for the official standardized list of North American birds. It’s dinner table quality excitement we’re talking here. “Honey, did you...

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Silent bands tell all

It’s said that in 1595 a peregrine falcon owned by Henry IV pulled a u-turn while chasing a bustard over a field in the French countryside, flew all night and the next day before finally landing in a tree in Malta, 1350 miles...

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Behold the butcher bird

It wears a black mask, not a COVID mask but one about the eyes like the Lone Ranger or Zorro. It can hover like a helicopter or fly fast like a fighter plane. And its actions when feeding itself have earned it the frightening...

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Galaxy not far away for R2D2 owl

It looks like R2D2 from a George Lucas episode of Star Wars, except it has yellow eyes and feathers and can fly. But one doesn’t have to go to Tatooine or the forest moon of Endor to see the little guy. Just visit any local...

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