Merced County Office of Education

The Merced California Student Opportunity Access Program (Cal-SOAP) will host the Cash4College financial aid workshop at the Merced College Learning Resource Center on Thursday, Feb. 27.

The annual workshop is open to anyone interested in applying for college or who would like assistance with financial aid applications. 

The workshop will begin at 6 p.m. in the Merced College Learning Resource Center (3600 M Street, Merced).

The workshop will cover a range of topics from financial aid application procedures to tips for completing applications accurately and on time. Application assistance is available in English, Spanish and Hmong.
Representatives from Senator Anna Caballero’s Office and the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will be in attendance, as well as several colleges, including CSU Stanislaus, UC Merced and Fresno Pacific Universit

For more information contact Cal-SOAP Project Director Shawn McCall at or (209) 381-5917

The Westside Express