The short answer, yes. Most hips are made with a metal ball resting in a plastic cup. Modern plastic is specially treated to last much longer.

In the average patient, 65 and older, these will typically last 15 or 20 years. By average I mean someone who walks the dog, tends their garden and plays pickleball.

For younger or very active patients that jog and play tennis etc, they should consider a ceramic ball on a ceramic cup which can last up to 28 years.

No total hip is good for snow skiing and other activities where falling is part of the sport. Listen to your orthopedic surgeon to find the right hip for you.

Walker Wynkoop MD lives in Los Banos and is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon with 30 years experience. He works at Surgical Affiliates of California. Please email questions to:

Walker Wynkoop, MD

Walker Wynkoop MD lives in Los Banos and is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon with 30 years experience. He works at Surgical Affiliates of California. Please email questions to: