For the eleventh time in 12 years, Pacheco High School baseball and softball teams joined forces for their annual Crab Feed.
The event took place on Feb. 18, at the O’Banion Building at the Los Banos Fairgrounds. Over 350 seafood loving people filled the hall helping to raise funds for the two programs.
Thirty-three players played the role of servers for the event. The student athletes represented their teams well, taking care of all of the needs of the patrons.
Two special servers, Kamil Eseroma and Natalya Carvajal were even given the honor of serving the VIP table, an item auctioned off annually for special seating and service during the dinner.
The meal consisted of Genova fresh baked rolls, salad, pasta and of course the crab.
For the 16th year serving as the cooks once again were Leonard Guillen, Greg Guillen and Jamie Guillen from Tracy. They’ve remained consistent from the start once coach Pikas started the event here in Los Banos for the teams while at Los Banos High.
The evening finished with a live auction and dancing. Sporting good memorabilia, a Taylor Swift autographed guitar, VIP seats at Pacheco High graduation and the VIP table were all part of the live auction.
With softball coach Charlie Pikas serving as auctioneer the biggest hit of the evening was once again the VIP table, this year going to Los Banos Mayor Paul Llanez. For those looking to be a part of next year’s event, keep the third Saturday in February open and reach out to a baseball or softball player or coach Pikas at Pacheco High School.