Director of Expanded Learning Programs LBUSD

The Learning Enrichment After-School Program (LEAP) junior high sites are overenrolled and thriving! The Creekside Junior High (CJH) LEAP staff and students got the snack shack up and running. The snack shack gives CJH LEAP students experience with business management.

The CJH LEAP vs Los Banos Junior High (LBJH) LEAP Flag football season is in full swing. Great job to Sira Fausset-Villegas, Melissa Perry, Mauricio Sandoval Garcia and Andrew Borrego for organizing a fun and friendly competition between sites.

LBJH LEAP Youth Voice and Leadership student council had a significant role in planning, decorating and leading the LBJH Welcome Back Social and the LBJH Veterans parade float.

The LBJH Wild Life Club visited San Luis National Wildlife Refuge to learn about Los Banos history, environmental conservation and animal science. Great job CJH and LBJH LEAP staff for continuing to offer junior high students a well-rounded and engaging after school program.

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) LEAP started a Kindness Circle to help encourage positive behaviors and inclusion. TK LEAP hosted a Fall Festival complete with face painting, carnival games, a photo booth, a maze and food for everyone to enjoy.

Outstanding job to the TK LEAP Staff, Vanessa Gai, Maribel Gonzalez, Alva Delgado, Jatinder Tamber, Brenda Covian and Valeria Ortiz . Thank you to Laura Brady and all the TK Center teachers and staff for supporting the after school program.

LBJH LEAP students visiting the Wildlife Refuge as part of their afterschool wildlife exploration club.

LEAP elementary sites across the district held fall festivals with trick-or-treating, carnival games, prizes and lots of fun, all of which was organized and led by each site’s LEAP Youth Voice and Leadership council. Additionally, LEAP sites started iCook cooking clubs, Elevo physical activities clubs and Nexplore STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) clubs.

In these clubs, students get to learn cooking skills, robotics programing, 3D printing as well as how to express themselves through drama, fashion/design and physical activities.

Lastly, LEAP elementary sites partnered with teachers to support after school program students with tutoring and homework support. Thank you, Monica Salaz, Juliana Garcia, Kristen Ebner, Margaret Bowman, Sarah Souza, Aidan Westrope, Shannon Huling, Kascia Mello, Justin Duni, Lorena Rojas Reyes and Maria Cintora for partnering with LEAP to provide students with academic and enrichment support.

The San Luis High School (SLHS) After School Program (ASP) continues to offer impactful afterschool enrichment. The SLHS ASP Wolfpack visited Merced College and UC Merced to explore college life as well as visited Boomers and Dell’ Osso Family Farm to explore some fun times!

The after school clubs continue to evolve with the interests of the students. Currently, the SLHS Wolfpack enjoys cooking clubs, gardening clubs, movie FX and make up clubs, gaming clubs and much more. Outstanding job to Emir Cerna and staff for all their hard work.

SLHS Wolfpack Afterschool School Program students participating in college visits as part of college and career readiness.
The Westside Express